What are you doing New Year’s Eve

What are you doing New Year’s Eve

Christmas with Aubrey Logan - check out Aubrey Logan’s new EP “What are you doing New Year’s Eve”

Listen to my EP
“What are you doing New Year’s Eve ”

Carol of the Bells

Carol of the Bells

Christmas with Aubrey Logan - check out Aubrey Logan’s EP published in 2021 “Carol of the Bells”

Listen to my EP
“Carol of the Bells”



Aubrey Logan’s recent release “Standard”. Availible in all stores and on all streaming platforms.

Listen to my album “Standard”

Where the Sunshine Is Expensive

Where the Sunshine Is Expensive

One of Aubrey Logan’s most successful albums “Where the Sunshine Is Expensive”. Check it out now!

Listen to my album
“Where the Sunshine Is Expensive”



Aubrey Logan’s first and very successful album “Impossible”. Check it out now!

Listen to my album